

FMX Integrated Service Limited

Plot 883., Samuel Manuwa Street, VI, Lagos
Tel No: 07034567854
Email: m.nyamali@xlafricagroup.com

Email: {{$task->client_email}}

Invoice No: FMX-00{{$task->id}}

Project ID: P/FMX/0{{$task->project->id}}

Issue Date: {{date('jS F, Y', strtotime(\Illuminate\Support\Carbon::now()))}}

Due Date: {{date('jS F, Y', strtotime($task->expected_finish_date))}}

Title Description Unit Price Quantity Amount
{{$task->name}} {{$task->description}} ₦ {{$task->amount_due}}.00 1 {{$task->amount_due}}.00

This is the quotation as agreed upon from the start of the project.

Sub-Total ₦{{$task->amount_due}}.00
Tax (5%) 287.50
Discount -$50.00
Total Due


{{--Pay Now--}}