@extends('Layouts.dashboardLayout') @section('content')
@if(count($tasks) > 0) Task for project {{$tasks[0]->project->name}}@endif

Projects Have tasks contained in them. The tasks are tracked


Project Tasks

@if(count($tasks) > 0) @foreach($tasks as $task)
{{date('jS F Y h:i a', strtotime($task->expected_start_date))}}


Created by : {{$task->user->firstname}}      Completion status: {{number_format((($task->taskCount->process_count - ($task->skipped != null ? count( $task->skipped) : 0))/($task->skipped != null ? 8 - count( $task->skipped) : 8))*100, '2')}} %


View Stages    Edit  Delete  @if($task->taskCount->process_count == 8 && $task->actual_completion_date == null) This task is seen to be complete @endif @if($task->updated_by != null) Last updated by : {{$task->updatingTask->firstname}}@endif

@endforeach @else

No task(s) yet

{{--Modal force checking --}} @if(count($tasks) > 0) @foreach($tasks as $task) @endforeach @endif {{--Edit task--}} {{--Modal verifying completion --}} @include('includes.alerts') @endsection @section('script') @endsection